“It’s not the size of the table that matters, it’s the heart”


An old Bulgarian proverb

A distinctive feature of the Bulgarians is the traditional hospitality, which makes every foreigner who came to Bulgaria talk about our hospitality and wants to return to our country.
We, at Vodenitsata, have committed ourselves to show Bulgarian hospitality in its purest form. Whether you are a local or a foreigner, you came here alone or with company, in our restaurant we will make you feel at home. We will welcome you with traditional appetizers and a smile, we will treat you as a dear guest, we will entertain you, cheer you up with music, dances and customs and we will send you with honors, leaving our door always open for you.

Live coals glowing in the darkness, bare feet, the melody of the drum …
Fire-dancing is not just a dance, it is a magic that no one has yet figured out.
And for anyone who has once being enchanted by this ancient ritual, originating from the cult of Dionysus, there remains an unforgettable memory of an experience which is inexplicable in its power and nature.
From the first warm days of spring to the last days of winter authentic fire dances are performed in Vodenitsata restaurant, where the dancers walk in a trance barefoot on live embers.
The program also includes a folklore performance with Bulgarian songs and dances, lavish choreography, traditional costumes and presentation of interesting folk customs. The performance is interactive and every guest of Vodenitsata can join it.
Bulgarian folk music has a unique sound and unique rhythm in 7/8 time, Bulgarian folk songs are used by the world’s biggest names in contemporary music – from Sting and Bobby McFarrin to Beyonce, the ensemble “The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices” has been nominated three times for Grammy award, and the song “Izlel e Delyo haidutin” performed by Valya Balkanska was chosen to sound in space.

Уютният салон на ресторанта, условно разделен на три части, разполага с 200 места, а слънчевата градина е с 250 места и детски кът.

Отлично приготвените ястия, чудесно представят българската кухня и задоволяват вкуса както на българските, така и на безброй чуждестранни гости. Менюто съдържа голям брой традиционни български ястия, сред които таратор, отлична бобена салата, кьопоолу, качамак, мешана скара, но се слави и с подбрани специалитети, един от които – агнешко по Гергьовски.

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